By incorporating on-chip multiplication gain, the electron multiplying CCD achieves, in an all solid-state sensor, the single-photon detection sensitivity typical of intensified or electron-bombarded CCDs at much lower cost and without compromising the quantum efficiency and resolution characteristics of the conventional CCD structure.
Objective: UPlanSApo 100x oil/1.40 | Exposure: 250 ms |
Microscope: Olympus DSU/IX81 | Gain: 3 |
Camera: Hamamatsu ImagEM | Interval: 2 s |
A variety of microtubule binding proteins, including a family of end-binding proteins (EBs), have been demonstrated to associate specifically with the ends of growing microtubules in a variety of cell types. These proteins are believed to regulate microtubule dynamics and the binding of microtubules to organelles, membrane components, and other protein complexes. The digital video in this section illustrates the tracking of microtubule +TIPs (plus end tracking proteins) in Gray fox lung fibroblast cells labeled with a chimera of EB3 fused to monomeric Kusabira Orange fluorescent protein, pseudocolored red for optimum visualization.