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EMCCDs Article Electron Multiplying Charge-Coupled Devices (EMCCDs)

By incorporating on-chip multiplication gain, the electron multiplying CCD achieves, in an all solid-state sensor, the single-photon detection sensitivity typical of intensified or electron-bombarded CCDs at much lower cost and without compromising the quantum efficiency and resolution characteristics of the conventional CCD structure.

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Epithelial Cell Mitosis

Objective: UPlanSApo 100x oil/1.40 Exposure: 100 ms
Microscope: Olympus DSU/IX81 Gain: 3
Camera: Hamamatsu ImagEM Interval: 7 min

Perhaps the most recognizable and most familiar phase of mitosis is termed metaphase, a stage where the chromosomes, attached to the kinetochore microtubules, begin to align in a single plane (known as the metaphase plate) midway between the spindle poles. The kinetochore microtubules exert tension on the chromosomes, which move back and forth in rapid erratic motion as a result, and the entire spindle-chromosome complex is now ready for the next event, separation of the daughter chromatids. Metaphase, one of the most critical stages in mitosis, occupies a substantial portion of the division cycle. The primary reason for this extended interval is that dividing cells pause until all of their chromosomes are completely aligned at the metaphase plate. This sets the stage for chromosome separation in the next stage of mitosis, termed anaphase. In the digital video presented in this section, pig kidney epithelial cells (LLC-PK1 line) expressing mCherry fluorescent protein fused to histone H2B (red fluorescence) and mEGFP fused to tubulin (green fluorescence) were imaged in 7-minute intervals during mitosis.